Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our Christmas Letter 2011

Cibubur, 23 December 2011

It has been years I don’t write a Christmas Letter anymore. It’s not common in Indonesia to write a Christmas Letter to friends and relatives. We usually just sending Christmas cards, or now even just a Christmas Greetings thru text or blackberry message :-(
This year I want to start writing a Christmas Letter again. Many things have happened during the year 2011, and we counted them as great blessings and fruitful experiences that have enriched our lives to grow in faith of Jesus Christ.

We started the year 2011 with a wedding of my lovely cousin, Otty, in Salatiga, my hometown. We had a lovely family reunion there, and for the first time in life, we had Judojono Family Picture. That was really something! :-) We continued the holiday to Jogjakarta and met up with the Hermawans and Pinto, our best friends. We spent wonderful time together in Baron and Kukup Beach, Wonosari, Jogjakarta.

In March, we had special guests from North Carolina, Herman and Ros Weits! We’re so happy to meet them again after their last visit to Indonesia in 2005. So great to see Herman and Ros after 6 years, they don’t change at all. Herman and Ros spent one night in our home and we had a great time together, it was a lovely reunion and my kids love them! We hope and pray, one day we will see them again.

The first big highlight in 2011 is moving house! Yes, we have moved to Legenda Wisata since 30 April 2011. Legenda Wisata is still located in Cibubur area, it isn’t too far from our previous house in Taman Kenari Nusantara. The reason we bought this house because the house is located nearer to Ruth and Jonathan’ school. Only 5 minutes driving and still in the same complex. The traffic in Cibubur is getting worst every day, and it’s painful for our children to travel 40 – 50 mins to school every day to reach only 5km distance. We are happy in our new home. Ruth and Jonathan now have more energy for school. They don’t need to rush in the morning anymore, being ready by 6AM to go to school. Our neighbor in Taman Kenari Nusantara rented our house. So, everything has been settled and all works well according to God’s time. We’re so thankful for it!

The second highlight in 2011 is Jeffry finally finished his master degree in Economic Management. It’s interesting to see Jeff has a big interest in economic since 2 years ago as his background is telecommunication. As many things going on at the same time last year, he had to postponed his CFA and might switch to FRM starting next year, and continue to pursue his doctoral degree, also in economics. He still works for AXIS, a telecommunication provider.

We spent 3 nights in Singapore during the school holiday in end of June. It was a sudden holiday trip to Singapore, we joined Jeffry who had to attend the CommunicAsia. It was our second visit to Singapore, our first visit was in 2009. On the day of arrival, we tried MRT straight from the airport to the bust station where we met Agnes, my high school’s friend. We stopped by at her apartment for some refreshments then she took us on double decker bus ride to DHL Office in Park View Square, Bugis. What a lovely office building, but DHL Singapore has moved out from that beautiful expensive building since 1st October. I met my best friends in DHL Singapore, Titus and Binny Matthew. The next day we went to Singapore Zoo, as it was our 2nd visit to Singapore Zoo we didn’t go around the zoo anymore, we went straight to the kids’ zone. My children had wonderful time playing in the water park. The next day was Sentosa Island. We bought ticket to watch the laser light show in the evening. We just love the spectacular laser show! On the way back to down town Singapore, we had an unforgettable experience. We got lost! After the last MRT stop, we took the wrong bus. It was dark, and we were tired after a full day at the beach. Finally after the last stop at Bedok Station, we decided to take a taxi to our hotel in Novena. We got in the hotel almost 11pm. The kids were so tired, Jonathan was already asleep so Jeff had to carry him all the way. It was really a memorable one! On our last day in Singapore, Binny Matthe and his wife stopped by at the hotel, it was very nice of them. And after checked out from the hotel, we went to Bedok to meet Agnes and Ari. Our time was tight but we had a wonderful time together before rushing back to the airport to catch our flight.

The new school year started in the mid of July. Ruth is in 3rd grade, and Jonathan started his new experience in life in Elementary School, 1st grade. They go to the same school, III Ketapang Christian School in Legenda Wisata. Ruth and Jonathan love their new classes, friends, and teachers. Ruth’s teacher in 3rd grade is Mr. Ferry Lubis, and Jonathan’s teacher in 1st grade is Ms. Mijil. And this year they also have private teacher at home, Ms. Sarah. Sarah is my church friend’s niece. She is a student of University of Indonesia who wants to learn to work to earn some money for her school fees. At the same time, Ruth needs more attention in study as starting the 3rd grade the school materials is getting more complicated. I love Sarah, she is a young smart, loving, and caring girl. Ruth and Jonathan also love her. They study with Sarah 3 times a week at home after school.

Ruth still continues her piano lesson with Ms. Naomi. Thanks to Akung (grandpa) that Ruth has a little keyboard that can support her in piano lesson. The real piano should wait some more times, hopefully by next year. Jonathan plays pianica in church ensamble group, he gets grumphy sometimes when he had to learn to read the notes, but the big sister always a big help and great supporter to him. :-))

During the Eid Fitri Holiday, we got a visit from my parents. We visited my moslem relatives on Eid Fitri. It was nice to have another family reunion. I cooked ketupat, chicken opor, and sambal goreng at home. Our dining table was also in joy to celebrate Eid Fitri with our Moslem friends and relatives.

The third big highlight in 2011 is I finally left DHL for Darya Varia Laboratoria (DVL), a pharmaceutical company. I left DHL after working for 9 years 5 months and 11 days. It was not an easy decision. I love my former boss, my colleagues, and best friends I have met, but again, the traffic was the main reason to look for another opportunity closer to home. I spent 3 -4 hours every day on the road to travel from home to DHL Office in Pancoran. I have been praying for 5 years, and finally God has answered my prayer with DVL. DVL is located in the corner of South Jakarta, the traffic is much better compare to down town Jakarta. Only 1.5 hours to spend on the road every day, half of travel time to DHL.

Last Saturday, my aunt, Siti Murtiyah Soedarsohadi, passed away. She’s my father’s eldest sister whom married the 1st Javanese Mennonite Pastor in Indonesia, Soedarsohadi. Uncle Soedarsohadi passed away 11 years ago, 2 years after I returned from IVEP in the US. I was introduced to Mennonite beliefs thru my uncle and aunty Soedarsohadi. Being told by my parents that when I was born they wanted to adopt me as they didn’t have a daughter, no wonder I spent lots of time with them during my childhood as they always asked to have me during the school holiday. My aunt Siti was the first person who talked to me about IVEP when I was in high school.

Many lessons coming from people in our lives. A month ago I went surfing in the internet and found Shirley Showalter’s in LinkedIn. I added her, and how wonderful to know that we reconnected again thru cyber world. I went to her blogs and how grateful I am as her writings have touched my life and giving me a new side of world.

Christmas 2011 is in the corner, in this blessed and holy season let us light the candles of hope, faith, peace, and keep the spirit of Christmas shining. May joy of Christmas be with you and your love ones.
“Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year 2012!”

In Jesus’ name,

Dewi, Jeffry, Ruth & Jonathan Joris

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